Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekend #10: The Longest Run

The hard core group of Sunbirds turned up bright and early for a 6:30am flagoff for the longest distances (HM-22km, FM-35km) in the Sunbird training program.  The weather was looking great and all the runners seemed prepared to complete what they have set out to do.

The lean team of Sunbird trainers started off with their respective groups towards Fort Road, aiming to sustain Optimal Pace (OP) for at least half of the prescribed distances, but preferably maintaining past 20km.  The experienced Sunbird trainees were more than capable to tracking their own paces, with a number able to track heart rate zones as well.

The first half of the run was rather cool, at least the portion at Changi Coastal Road.  Proper hydration and refuel procedures were being observed well by the Sunbirds, providing the impetus for Optimal Pace (a tad faster than Marathon Pace) sustenance.

The Changi Coastal stretch was more bearable for the FMers this morning, coupled with cool shade provided by large trees lined along the PCN.  It was a little surprising not to see that many runners preparing for their long runs, save for the SAFRA Running Club and the group of elite Singapore National runners comprising Mok and his team.

Our Sunbirds were indeed focused at their tasks at hand, and through to 21km, was still able to meet OP.  The chit-chat bit in the first half of the run did help to ease the stresses of the runners as well as keeping their paces in check, to avoid crashing and burning too early.

The HM Sunbirds did very well to complete their 21-22km and were certified race ready.  The FM Sunbirds did well to sustain OP all the way back to the 28km mark at C4.  After a quick isotonic drink with 1-2 pieces of banana, the groups went on to complete another 7km to make it a total of 33-35km for many of the Sunbirds.


We were glad to see the Sunbirds performing so well to peak at this stage of training.  The confidence levels were definitely heightened with the good training LSD this morning, and we are looking forward to a great marathon run for most of the Sunbirds.

With the longest run completed satisfactorily, all Sunbirds will enter into recovery and Tapering phase.  Any small niggles and pain points will need to be addressed and remedied in the coming 2 weeks.  Intensity of runs will be maintained with a gradual drop in the volume and distances covered.  

We look forward to session #11 with anticipation for a shorter tapering run and to collect the well-deserved Sunbird 'finisher' singlet in recognition of our successful journey of Ops Sunbird 2015.

The Sunbirds Made It At The Longest Run!

Facebook photos by FatBird Chin