Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week #8: One Steady Flock

This 8th weekend of training saw a good performance from the Sunbirds, who have built up sufficiently strong base to tackle 60-90min of hill loops within 18-32km distances of sustained target race pace.

The flock had started off by 7:00am after briefings and group photos, with the respective pace groups independently setting sustainable paces under the guidance of their pace group leaders.  

Armed with hydration belts/bags and sufficient fuel, the training went about like clockwork - such was the readiness and knowledge of the training requirements by all participants, something which was notably impressive.

Because of the good management of time, the runners completed their hill endurance loops in good order, before heading off on tired legs to sustain a 'challenging' target race pace for the remaining 8-16km. 

It was a sight back at the MF ClubHouse, where the HM runners have already wrapped up their morning's workout and the FM runners were just about setting off for their final 5-8km, after having already covered 23-25km of rolling hills.

The strength endurance developed to this stage will put the Sunbirds in good stead for Optimal Pace training starting from Week #9, which should translate into comfortably meeting race day objectives on Dec 1.  Because of the smaller turnout this morning, there were more than ample drinks and bananas for all, which helped top up the empty tanks of those who pushed for the final distances.

The training ended well within MaxTime allowed, in fact with 30min to spare.  It was certainly a very fruitful training session where all benefited and thoroughly enjoyed.  We now look forward to the longest training run next weekend...and yes, time to set the pace dials to FatBird Optimal Pace.

The Sunbirds Are One Steady Flock!

Facebook Photos @ FatBird Chin